art materials


Unless otherwise stated in the art class description, students are responsible for bringing their own art materials to use in adult workshops at Maggiolly Art. Each art class has a link to a materials list in the description where you can see a list of the materials required. All art materials for our workshops are available to purchase in our well stocked art supply shop! You can buy your art materials prior to class, or the morning of class if you arrive a few minutes early.

parking & materials drop off

When coming to Maggiolly Art for a class, we recommend students do the following once arriving in downtown Orangeville: (we have included a map below because we know us artists are visual learners!)

  1. To unload your art supplies, pull your car up to our back entrance, in the parking lot on Mill Street just off Broadway. Turn from Broadway Ave onto Mill Street and the parking lot will be the first thing on your right. You can park for a minute at the back of our shop to unload your paints, canvases, and any other materials you’ve brought for class.

  2. Unfortunately you cannot leave your vehicle parked in our lot, however, there is a big parking lot just next door you can use! After unloading your supplies, get back in your car, drive up Mill St. (it’s a one way street) and turn right onto Little York Street. Drive just past Taphouse’s small parking lot and you will find a large parking lot in which you can park. Find a spot there, and walking back to Maggiolly Art will only take you two minutes through the tunnel which leads back to Broadway Ave! Turn right and the sidewalk will lead you right back to Maggiolly Art’s storefront.

  3. Find your way through the shop and back into our studio and get ready to explore your creativity in beautiful historic downtown Orangeville!


Classes running or 4 or more hours include a 30 minute or 1 hour lunch break! Maggiolly Art is located on Broadway in Downtown Orangeville and we are surrounded by amazing options for your lunch! Students of course can bring their lunch from home, but if you want to enjoy a delicious lunch from a local establishment, here are some great nearby options:

Cafe Town : Located right next door to us, Cafe Town is our go-to lunch and coffee spot. They have delicious Indian-inspired homemade sandwiches, wraps, and soups, and vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options. We have a special lunch deal with Cafe Town where Maggiolly Art students get 15% off their order.

Pia’s on Broadway : Pia’s is located right across the street and boasts delicious sandwiches on homemade bread, and a ton of other amazing lunch options like poutine, burgers, delicious salads and more! Treat yourself to something delicious from this local, family owned establishment.

Mochaberry : Mochaberry is right next door to Pia’s, across the street from our shop. They have amazing coffee and they roast their own beans. Their bagels are a fan favourite, and they have many delicious baked goods, sandwiches, and soups.

Son of a Chef Bakery : Located just down the street from Maggiolly Art, Son of a Chef offers delicious sandwiches, sweets, and pastries. Enjoy your lunch and grab some scones, cookies, or cake to take home!